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Introduction about me

This is Khushi Siwal , I am a student  studying in Lovely professional university,Punjab .The course which i am perusing here is BBA(hons.). I have more interest in English language .I am writing this blog  so that i can share essential knowledge about English to you.


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How to use adjectives to describe the quantity,quality,number and possession of noun?

Adjectives                               Adjectives are those words that add something  to the meaning of a noun to describe its quantity,quality,number,possession ,etc E.g; Ashok is an intelligent boy,She is poor but happy. ADJECTIVES OF QUALITY These adjectives tell us about the color,shape ,size,texture,condition,material,quality and nationality ,origin of noun.They answer the questions of 'What kind'? Examples: Baber was a brave king. It was a cloudy day. Joshi is an honest man. Calcutta is a big city. The rose is a beautiful flower The adjectives brave,cloudy,honest,big,beautiful tell us of what kind a person or a thing is. Such Adjectives are called Adjectives of Quality. 1.ADJECTIVES OF QUANTITY These adjectives indicate the amount of things or persons.They answer the question 'How much'? Examples; He had much money. There is a little food in the house. He wants some mo...

What is preposition and how many types of prepositions are used in English ?

PREPOSITION A preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show its relation with something else in the sentence. Examples: a) I placed a book on the table.                   b) I am fond of milk. In the first sentences on shows the relationship between table and book. In the second sentence the word of shows the relation between the adjective fond and milk. These word are prepositions. The Noun or Pronoun used after a Preposition is called its object. It is always in the Accusative (objective).It is said to be governed by the preposition. A preposition has no fixed meaning of its own.It derives its meaning from the context it is used in. Kinds of Prepositions. (i) SIMPLE PREPOSITIONS : at,by,for,in,of,off,on,out,through,till,to,up,with. (ii) COMPOUND PREPOSITIONS : about,above,across,along,amidst,among,around,around,before,behind,below,beneath,beside,between,beyond,inside,outside,underneath,...

How to use pronoun in place of noun? Its different types with examples .

PRONOUN A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun.Pronouns are used in repetition of nouns in our writing or speech. Examples: Ankur met Amkur's uncle on Ankur's way to school. Ankur met his uncle on his way to school. KINDS OF PRONOUNS: 1. Personal pronouns 2 .Possessive pronouns 3 .Reflexive pronouns 4 .Demonstrative pronouns 5 . Interrogative pronouns 6 .Indefinite pronouns 7 .Relative pronouns 1.PERSONAL PRONOUNS Personal pronouns refer to people ,animals,places or things. The words I,he,she,it ,you and they are called personal pronouns. Examples: a)My name is Arnav. I am ten year old. b)The girl has passed,she worked hard. c)Call the boys here.They are my pupils. d)The book was lost.It was mine. e)I have six flowers.They are all roses. Personal pronoun I ,he, she,we, they have the forms me,him,her,us,them for the Objective Case.Do not use I for me when the pronoun is connected by a Conjection(and,or) with some other wo...