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How to use adjectives to describe the quantity,quality,number and possession of noun?


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Adjectives are those words that add something  to the meaning of a noun to describe its quantity,quality,number,possession ,etc
E.g; Ashok is an intelligent boy,She is poor but happy.


These adjectives tell us about the color,shape ,size,texture,condition,material,quality and nationality ,origin of noun.They answer the questions of 'What kind'?

  1. Baber was a brave king.
  2. It was a cloudy day.
  3. Joshi is an honest man.
  4. Calcutta is a big city.
  5. The rose is a beautiful flower
  • The adjectives brave,cloudy,honest,big,beautiful tell us of what kind a person or a thing is. Such Adjectives are called Adjectives of Quality.


These adjectives indicate the amount of things or persons.They answer the question 'How much'?
  1. He had much money.
  2. There is a little food in the house.
  3. He wants some money.
  4. He did not eat any bread.
  5. He had enough bread.
  6. He had sufficient milk.
  7. He ate the whole cake.
  • The adjectives much,little,some,any,enough,sufficient,whole,tell us how much of a thing is intended.Such Adjectives are called Adjectives of Quantity.


These adjectives indicate 'how many' persons or things or the order of persons or things.
They are further subdivided as;

Definite numeral adjectives: they denote the exact number.
Examples: One boy,Two girls,Three birds.
(These are called cardinals and they denote 'how many'?)
Examples: First boy, second girl, third boy.
(These are called ordinals and they denote the order.)
Indefinite numeral adjectives : They do not indicate any specific number.
Examples:No boy,Few girls,several birds.
Distributive numeral adjectives; They denote each person or thing referred to.
Examples: Each boy,Every girl,neither men,either girl.

  1. All man are mortal.
  2. Many women were not there.
  3. Several men came to see the lion.
  4. He had five rupees in his pocket.
  5. Some men are rich.
  6. The first boy won the prize.
  7. Most man have to work hard for their living.
  • The adjectives all,many,several,five,some,first,most,that show how many persons or things there are or in what order any of them stands,are called Adjectives of Number.


Demonstratives are the words which point to the exact noun .

  1. This Horse is mine.
  2. That horse is yours.
  3. I like these mangoes.
  4. I want those apples.
  5. I hate such men.
  6. She lives on yonder hill.
  • The adjectives this,these,those,such,yonder,that point out which person or things are meant,are called Demonstrative Adjectives.Demonstrative means pointing out.


Interrogative adjectives are 'Wh-word' adjectives which we use to ask question  reference to a particular noun.
  1. Which film did you see?
  2. What colour is your hair?
  3. Whose book is this?


Possessive adjectives answer the question whose.They show possession,ownership.

  1. Her suitcase is not properly locked.
  2. My friend lives close to rama.


The comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives are formed:
a)By adding '-r' and '-st' respectively to adjectives of one syllabus ending in a consonant preceded by a vowel.
Positive                                     Comparative                                   Superlative
wise                                           wiser                                               wisest
large                                           larger                                              largest
close                                          closer                                              closest
wide                                           wider                                              widest
b) By doubling the end consonant and adding '-er' and '-est' respectively to adjectives of one syllabus ending in a consonant preceded by a vowel.
Positive                                     Comparative                                   Superlative
Fat                                             fatter                                               fattest
thin                                            thinner                                            thinnest
flat                                             flatter                                              flattest
sad                                             sadder                                             saddest
c) By adding '-er' and '-est' respectively to adjectives of one syllable.
Positive                                      Comparative                                   Superlative
high                                            higher                                             highest
quiet                                           quieter                                            quietest
near                                            nearer                                              nearest
dear                                            dearer                                              dearest
d)By removing '-y' and adding '-er' and '-est' to adjectives with two syllabus to in '-y'.
Positive                                      Comparative                                    Superlative
wealthy                                      wealthier                                          wealthiest
busy                                           busier                                                busiest
heavy                                         heavier                                              heaviest
noisy                                          noisier                                               noisiest
e) By putting 'more' and 'most' respectively before longer adjectives with more two syllables.
Positive                                     Comparative                                     Superlative
beautiful                                    more beautiful                                  most beautiful
intelligent                                  more intelligent                                most intelligent
harmful                                      more harmful                                   most harmful
comfortable                               more comfortable                             most comfortable
f) Some adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms.
Positive                                     Comparative                                     Superlative
bad                                             worse                                               worst
good                                           better                                                best
much/many                                more                                                 most
little                                            less                                                   least


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