There is only a difference between Dream and Aim.Dream requires effortless sleep and Aim requires sleepless efforts.Sleep for dreams and wake up for Aims....!
I always start my work either a positive sign or motivation quotes,the way not only inspire me but also inspire ,encourage you too when you are going to start something new .
I want to share my knowledge with you through my blog .By this blog you will got to learn the basic English grammer,Modern English and many more things which will all about related to English . But first we should know its importance in our life which many people do not know and later they suffer.
In today's time everyone want to earn lots of money and live well settled life,it is only possible if you are good in speaking English and knows it very well. There is only English language which increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or for finding work abroad .It is highly used language in international communication, the internet and the media . So, understanding, knowing, writing and learning English is important for socializing and entertainment as well as work .
It is the most commonly spoken language in the world,you can say things in a hundred different ways.It helps you understand other languages
English is called a global language because it is used as an official language almost all around the world.people of different nations,states,countries,having different mother tongues communicate using English.English communication increases your income ,yes all good jobs need good English communication skills.Business requires you to be able to talk to clients in English.
We in India give more respect to those who speak in English.I do not know the reason and I don't like this but that is not important .what important is : a)you have to speak in English for gain more respect and b) if you feel strongly about it,treat those with and without good English speaking skills with equal respect.It makes travel easier if you know the language,you have an open window to most of the countries in the world.It gives us power and influences.
I will help you to learn English ,first we will start with basic grammar then one by one we go ahead .
But remember one thing you will learn by doing have to do practice every day if you really want to learn English language.The best results come when you communicate verbally with people with fluent English Speaking habit. Hard work make a man perfect you have to work really hard on your background to achieve a good result. I have made some of the rules which you should follow in order to speak in English in a day to day process.
1.Start watching English movie in your free time.2 See yourself into the mirror,choose a topic,set a timer for two or three minutes and just talk in English this way feel like you are talking to someone,so you can pretend you are having a discussion with a member who know English very well .3 Search those new word of English which you don't actually know . 4 Start read novels and stories this will also help you to improve your reading skills. 5 Be patient . 6 Develop a habit of thinking in English like use it when you are thinking about your day or when you are trying to decide what food to order and so on. 7 Listen English songs and can start singing those songs .8 Built a habit of reading newspaper it will helps you a lot .
These some rules can help you improve your way of speaking in English the most important is though the practice and confidence you build up through the practice .Practice make a man perfect.
There is a question in my mind that we can learn and speak in English but first we should know some rules of it.The rules are related to grammar ,first we should know the basic grammar .Don't worry i will help you .
But remember one thing you will learn by doing have to do practice every day if you really want to learn English language.The best results come when you communicate verbally with people with fluent English Speaking habit. Hard work make a man perfect you have to work really hard on your background to achieve a good result. I have made some of the rules which you should follow in order to speak in English in a day to day process.
1.Start watching English movie in your free time.2 See yourself into the mirror,choose a topic,set a timer for two or three minutes and just talk in English this way feel like you are talking to someone,so you can pretend you are having a discussion with a member who know English very well .3 Search those new word of English which you don't actually know . 4 Start read novels and stories this will also help you to improve your reading skills. 5 Be patient . 6 Develop a habit of thinking in English like use it when you are thinking about your day or when you are trying to decide what food to order and so on. 7 Listen English songs and can start singing those songs .8 Built a habit of reading newspaper it will helps you a lot .
These some rules can help you improve your way of speaking in English the most important is though the practice and confidence you build up through the practice .Practice make a man perfect.
There is a question in my mind that we can learn and speak in English but first we should know some rules of it.The rules are related to grammar ,first we should know the basic grammar .Don't worry i will help you .
Amazing, you are mentioned each and every point clearly.