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What are the joining words or conjuctions,learn with perfect examples within 5 min.

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Conjunction is a word which join together two words,clauses,phrases or sentences.


Conjunction are of three kinds:

1.Coordinating conjunctions.
2.Subordinating conjunctions.
3.Correlative conjunctions.


They join the same types of grammatical unites.
Examples: noun with noun ,adjective with adjective,phrase with phrase and clause with clause.They are used to form compound sentences.
(And,but,for,or,till,yet,so,otherwise,nor,neither,either,as well as,etc.)
Examples:a) Many boys and girls witnessed the queer skylights.
                 b) She is slow but steady.
                 c) His condition became bad ,so he was taken to hospital.
                 d) You should hire a taxi,otherwise you will not reach in time.


They join a clause to another clause on which it depends for its meaning.
(Though/although,since,after,till/until,as,because,before,if,while,when,whether,lest,as if,as soon as,as long as, as though, than, that ,etc.)
Examples:a) Move from this plause only after you are permitted to do so.
                 b) She works hard in order that she may stand first.
                 c)Stay here till I come back.
                 d)He came sooner than I expected.
                 e)He left the room as you entered.
                 f)You will be punished if you don't mend your ways.

Subordinating conjunction can sometimes be placed in the beginning of the sentence:
Though he was hungry,he waited for others to join.

Uses of some important conjunctions:

i) And,as well as,not only...................but also are used to join two or more words,phrases or clauses of the same nature of rank.
She went to the market and brought a saree.
Ravi and Neeraj are my cousins.
Ravi as well as his brother is guilty.
He was not only fined but also degraded.
( The verb agrees with the first subject with as well as)

ii) But,still,yet, express contrast between two statements.These are used to join such statement and clauses that oppose each other in thought.
He is poor ,but contented.
He is eighty,still he is strong.
He worked hard,yet failed.
(Nevertheless also expresses the same sense.e.g He is tired ,nevertheless he went on working)

iii)Though,although,..........Yet also express contrast or concession.
Although it was very cold,he went out without a coat.
(Compare but: it was very cold,but he went out without a coat.)
Though he is very poor ,yet he is always neatly dressed.
He also was late,however,he decided to go.
(Though/Although is never followed by 'but'.)

iv) Or ,either ,nor,neither express a choice/ alternative between two things.
I shall see you tomorrow or the day after .
Either he or his brother did it.

Neither....nor means not one,not the other.
He was neither fined nor wanted.
If there are two subjects,the verbs agrees with the second subject.

Otherwise also expresses an alternative between two things.
Never be absent otherwise you will be dismissed.

v) For ,therefore ,so express inference.
He was found guilty,therefore, he was punished.
There must be someone on the roof,for I hear footsteps.
He did not study properly,so he failed.

vi)as,since,because,for express cause or reason.
I did not go to school as I was ill.
We will certainly help you since you are our friend.
The baby is crying because it is hungry.
I must leave now for the sun is about to set.
As also express manner.
As you sow,so shall you reap.
Do as you are told.

vii)After,before,when,while,till/untill,since,for,as soon as,so /as long as, time.

While is used to join two actions going on at the same time.
E.g.strike the iron while it is hot.
While  also express contrast.
E.g.Some people waste food while others have not enough to eat.

Since is prepared by a verb in the Simple Present or in the Perfect Tenses.It is followed by a verb in the Simple Past Tense.
E.g It is a month since he went away.
She has been is ill since she came here.

Until/unless are not followed by a negative verb.
E.g I shall stay here until you come.
You will not succeed unless you work hard.

Unless means 'if not'.
So long as and as long as denote time.
during which a certain action take place.
There is hope as long as there is life.

viii) Where,wherever denote place.
He makes friends wherever he goes.

ix) As far as,However express extent ,'however'precedes some adjective/adverb.
E.g.he is an honest man as far as I know.
However hard you may try ,you cannot succeed.

x)'than' expresses comparison.
E.g.He worked harder than I expected.

xii)'how' expresses manner.
E.g You will never know how he got so much wealth.


These conjuctions are used in pairs:

Both ................and:
He is both rich and generous.

Either eat or place it in the fridge.

He can neither read nor write.

Not only .............but also:
He not only smokes but drinks also.

Though he is rich,yet he is not happy.

He spokes so loudly that everyone was surprised.

Hardly ...........when:
Hardly had he gone out when it started raining.

I do not care whether he attends the function or not.

No sooner........than:
No sooner did I reach the station than the train started.


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