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What is noun and how many types of noun are used in English?Learn within 5 mins with perfect exapmles.


Noun are the words that are used as names of places,persons,objects,materials and feeling ,etc
All naming- words are nouns e.g,( Tom,girl,army,iron,health,etc.)

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There are mainly seven types of noun :
1 Proper Noun
2 Common Noun
3 Collective Noun
4 Material Noun
5 Abstract Noun
6 Countable Noun
7 Uncountable noun


The noun which names a particular person,place,or thing are called Proper nouns.
Names of people: Jawaharlal Nehru,Harry Potter,Michael Jackson,Ram etc.
Names of the months: June, August, November ,etc.
Names of the days of week: Monday, Wednesday,Thursday , etc.
Names of the festivals: Teacher's day,Christmas,Deepawali, etc.
Names of countries and their capitals: India, France,Italy, etc.
Names of famous places and buildings: The Red Fort, The Great Wall of china, etc.
Names of people who live in a country; Indian, Chinese , etc.
Names of oceans , lakes , seas, rivers and mountains: The Indian Ocean, The Himalayas, The Dead Sea, Mount Everest , etc.

E.g - Smith is a proper Noun, for it is a the names of one particular boy.In the same way Madras is a Proper Noun, because it is a name of a particular city.
REMEMBER- A Proper Noun always begin with a Capital Letter.


The noun which names a class of people , building, things,objects, birds, animals, etc. which are similar or have a common characteristics are called common nouns.
Names for people of same class: Carpenter, magician,farmer, teacher, doctor , etc.
Names of the buildings: Bank, school, hotel etc.
Names of animals: Monkey, donkey, elephant,cow, etc.
Names of things,objectives, tools, and machines: Table ,chair, box, pencil, fan, etc.
Names of fruits and vegetables: Apple, orange,mango,potato,carrot, etc.

E.g The name girl can be given to any and every girl- Avani, Rami,Johi,etc.It does not point out any particular girl.It is a name common to all girls. Therefore it is called a common noun.In the same way, the names city is called a Common noun,because it does not point out any particular city,such as Delhi, Madras,Patna,but is used for any and every city in any part of world.


The noun which names a group or a collection of people , animals,or thing considered as one complete whole, it is called a Collective Noun.
Names of a group of people: Team,group, jury,crowd, etc.
Names of a group of animals: Flock,team,pack,litter, etc.
Names of a group of things: Bunch, bundle,Fleet, etc.


The noun iron, wood,gold,and cotton are the names of the material of which things can be made. They are, therefore called Material Nouns.
In the other words, the noun which substances or matter of which things are made are called material nouns
Example- cotton,rubber, water ,gold , etc.


The noun which name feeling, qualities,actions,ideas or states and other things which one cannot touch or see but can feel or experience are called Abstract nouns.
Examples: Joy,merry,laughter,youth etc.
Read this sentence-
Ashok always speak the truth.We can see the sun;we can touch a slate; but can we see or touch the truth? No, it denotes a thing which we can neither see or touch .It is the name of something that we can only think of. Such a name is called Abstract noun.


The nouns that can be counted are called countable nouns
Examples-Coins,dogs,boys,birds,apples, etc.


The noun that cannot be counted,although we can measure or weight that are called uncountable nouns.
Examples- Bread,milk,water,gold,rice etc.

The noun which can be counted are further classified as: Singular nouns(one) and Plural nouns(two or more). This characteristic of countable nouns is called 'number of a noun'.


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