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What is an action word ?full explanation with details 100% correct.

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Verbs are the words that denote some action,work,activity,process,state,condition,status ,quality or possession.Verb is a word which says something about a Subject.
Examples: The boys play football.

Verbs are classified under three categories:

  1. Transitive and intransitive verb.
  2. Finite and non-finite verbs.
  3. Regular and irregular verbs.


The main verbs which need an object to express their meaning completely are identified as transitive verbs.In other word , a verb which requires an Object after it to complete its sence is called a Transitive verb.
a) The judge is hearing the case against an offender.
b) A mischievous passenger pulled the emergency chain of the train.


The main verb which do not depend on any object ( direct/ indirect) to complete their meanings are termed as intransitive verbs.In other word, a verb which does not require an Object to complete its sense,but makes good sense by itself, is called an intransitive Verb.
All the boys laughed loudly.
Paper boats floated on the pools of rain water.
The child slept soundly.
Run faster to win the 100-meter race.
The girl was weeping inconsolably.


The verbs form the major category of the main verbs which undergo change(s), a change in the subject ( number and person) or tense.
a) We,they/you all appreciate Nature's beauty.  (Present indefinite)
b) We all appreciated Nature's beauty .(Past indefinite)
c)  We all will appreciate Nature's beauty.(Future indefinite)


Observe the below sentence carefully:
a) He welcomes the newly married couple home.(Present indefinite)
b) They welcomed the newly married couple home.(Past indefinite)
c)She will welcome the newly married couple home.(Future indefinite)


Non-finite verb are of three types:
1. Infinitives
2. Gerunds
3. Participles


The infinite is the base form of the verb used in a non- finite way.Generally to is placed before the base form to make infinitive.
a. we went to watch the film.
b. I would like to learn dance.
Some of the  uses of the infinitive are shown below:
a.To play is his passion.(as the subject of a sentence)
b. I do not want to swim.(as the object of a verb)
c. To pass the test,you need to work hard.( with the nature of an adverb)

When the infinitive follows certain verbs,to is often dropped.Such verbs are : help,dare,let,make,need,observe,fall,hear,see,watch,behold,feel,lease,etc.
a) Nina did not dare disobey her father.(not to disobey)
b) I heard him shout.(not to shout)
The form of the infinitive without to is called the bare infinitive.


A gerund is a noun formed from a verb by adding '-ing'. A gerund may follow adjectives,preposition and other verbs.It may come in the beginning of a sentence as a noun.
Examples: a) Singing is my hobby. b) I love singing


Examine the following sentences:

  • Lata watched Mohammad playing the match.
  • The wounded soldiers lay in the field.
The underlined words in these sentences are participles.
Participles are non-finite verbs.There are mainly two types of participles:
The present participle- Formed by adding -ing to the base form of a verb.
The past participle- Formed by adding -ed to the base form of the verb or formed in irregular ways.


The main verbs,which take the suffixes '-ed' or '-t' in their past and past participle forms,are called Regular or Weak verbs.

Present        Past                    Past participle
admire         admired               admired
bend            bent                     bent
call              called                  called
decorate      decorated            decorated
drag             dragged              dragged
fear              feared                 feared
learn            learned/learnt     learned/learnt
lend             lent                     lent
select           selected              selected


These are the verbs that form their past and past participle  by a change in the vowel in their present/base forms.

Verb                     Present                         Past                            Past participle
be                         am/is/are                        was/were                    been
begin                    begin                              began                         begun
do                         do                                   did                             done                                  
draw                     draw                               drew                          drawn
drive                     drive                              drove                          driven
eat                        eat                                  ate                               eaten
fly                        fly                                  flew                             flown                                
give                     give                                gave                             given
freeze                  freeze                             froze                            frozen

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