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How to use pronoun in place of noun? Its different types with examples .

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A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun.Pronouns are used in repetition of nouns in our writing or speech.

  • Ankur met Amkur's uncle on Ankur's way to school.
  • Ankur met his uncle on his way to school.


1. Personal pronouns
2 .Possessive pronouns
3 .Reflexive pronouns
4 .Demonstrative pronouns
5 . Interrogative pronouns
6 .Indefinite pronouns
7 .Relative pronouns


Personal pronouns refer to people ,animals,places or things. The words I,he,she,it ,you and they are called personal pronouns.
a)My name is Arnav.I am ten year old.
b)The girl has passed,she worked hard.
c)Call the boys here.They are my pupils.
d)The book was lost.It was mine.
e)I have six flowers.They are all roses.
Personal pronoun I ,he, she,we, they have the forms me,him,her,us,them for the Objective Case.Do not use I for me when the pronoun is connected by a Conjection(and,or) with some other word in the Objective Case.E.g. These books are for you and me.(Not,I),He invited my sister and me to dinner.


The words mine,yours,hers,his,and their are called possessive pronoun .They are used to talk about things belonging to people.Possessive pronoun convey the same meaning as possessive adjective(my,your,our,her,his ,its and their).However possessive adjectives are places before noun they refer to and possessive pronoun are places after the noun they refer to.

Possessive adjectives                 Possessive pronoun
This is my book                          This book is mine.
It's your mistake.                        This mistake is yours.
These are her books.                   These books are hers.


The words myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself,ourselves,yourselves and themselves are called reflexive pronoun.Myself,yourself,etc.,are used as objects of a verb when the action of the verb returns to doer,i.e,when subject and object are the same person;as,
 E.g. I made this cake myself.
        Kiran has hurt herself.
        They hurt themselves.
Reflexive pronouns can also be used when we want to say something with emphasis.In this case they are placed after the subject of the sentence.
a) I myself disagree on this issue.
b) The doctor said so himself.
c)They themselves confessed their guilt.
d)You yourself can best explain.
e)Mary herself opened the door.


A demonstrative pronoun points out the person or object it refers to.This,that,these and those are demonstrative pronouns.
1.This and that are singular demonstrative pronouns.
2. These and those are plural demonstrative pronouns.


The words what,which,who,whom and whose are interrogative pronouns .They are used to ask a question.
1. What is used for asking about things in general.
2. Which is used for asking a question about a person or thing.
3. Who,whom,whose are used for asking questions about person.
    What did you say?
    Which is your book?
    Who is your class teacher?
    Whom do you want to see?
    Whose umbrella is this?
What,which and whose can also function as adjectives.
a) Which book are you looking for?
b) What advice did the counsellor give you?


A pronoun that is used to refer to some person or thing that is not definite .Some words that can be used as indefinite pronoun are :all,another,anyone,each,anything,everyone,everybody,everything,many,some and someone.
Pronouns which tell us how many are called Pronoun of number;as,few,several,many.Pronoun which tell us how much are called Pronoun of Quantity;as little,much.

a)The following Pronoun of Number and Quantity are always singular:
Each of them has a pen.
Either of these two pen is good.
Neither of these two pen is new.
Anyone is able to do this.
Everyone is able to learn this.
Someone has stolen my book.
Much of our work is done in school hours.
A little of milk has fallen on the table.

b)The following Pronoun of Number and Quantity are always plural;
Both of them are happy now.
Many are called,but few are chosen.
None of those bottles are full.
Several of those bottles are broken.


The Pronoun who,whose,whom,which,that ,which join two sentences and relate or refer to Noun which have gone before are called Relative pronoun.
The Noun to which a Relative Pronoun refers or relates is called Antecedent.E.g; This is the boy who was late.Here boy is the Antecedent of Who.

1 .Who is used for persons only;as
The man who is honest succeed in his life.
The boys who were lazy were punished.

2. Which is used for animals and for things without life;
The book which has pictures in it is mine.
These are the pen which we lost yesterday.
These are the dogs which bit the children.

3. That is used for person,animals and things;
Happy is the man that avoids bad company.
This is the horse that carried me here.
She had lost the book that you gave her.

4. What refers to things only.Its antecedent is always hidden .
This is what (= that which)I want.
I say what I mean.
I found what i was looking for.

5. As is used as a relative pronoun after such and sometimes after the same as;
This is not such a amazing novel as I expected.
She is not such a intelligent student as you are.
My answer is the same as yours.
His answer was not such as I expected from him.



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