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How many types of sentences are in English ?


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A Sentence is a group of word that make complete sense.
Examples:1 Rama goes to school on foot daily.2 Gold is yellow. 3 Would you like to play football?

There are four types of sentences:

1. Declarative Sentences.
2. Interrogative Sentences.
3. Imperative Sentences.
4. Exclamatory Sentences.

Note- Every sentence begins with a Capital letter.


The sentences that states or declares something is called a declarative sentence.A sentence can make a statement.

  • The young man runs very fast.
  • An honest man can succeed in life.
  • The sun sets in the west.
  • The earth is round.
  • The theif was not caught.
  • The boy made a noise.
  • Socrates was no coward. 
Note- A Full Stop(.) is placed at the end of every Declarative or Imperative sentences.
Delarative sentences are of  two types as ; 1. Positive sentences e.g I have done my work. and 2. Negative sentences e.g Prakas will not play today.
Study how the following sentences have been changed from positive into negative:
Affirmative                                          Negative
She is ill today.                                    She is not ill today.
Tell everybody.                                    Don't tell everybody.
Somebody shouted.                             Nobody shouted.
I can swim                                           I can not swim.
We tried hard.                                      We did not try hard.
He must go there.                                He must not go there.
I have something to say.                      I have nothing to say.
She has a watch                                   She has no watch.


The sentences that anquires something  is called an interrogative sentences. A sentences that ask a question .


  • Why were you late yesterday?
  • Have you done your lesson?
  • will you help me?
  • where do you live now?
  • What is your name?
  • How old are you?
  • Where did he go?
  • Why are you sad?
Note- A Question Mark (?) is placed at the end of every Interrogative Sentences.
In these types of sentences we generally ask question from another person.
Study carefully how Statement are changed into Questions:
 Statement                                                             Questions
I am poor.                                                              Am I poor?
He is rich.                                                              Is he rich?
She is coming tonight.                                           Is she coming tonight?
He would like to stay here.                                    Would she like to stay here?
It was raining.                                                        Was it raining?
We have done our duty.                                          Have we done our duty? 
It must be done at once.                                         Must it be done at once?

Now Study carefully these sentences ,and see how these statement question are formed:
Statements                                                               Questions
He plays cricket                                                       Does he plays cricket?
Children Like sweets.                                              Do children like sweets?
She went for a walk.                                                Did she go for a walk?
He did his duty.                                                        Did he do his duty?
I said this before.                                                      Did I say this before?
It rained last night.                                                    Did it rain last night?

Note- Do,Does are used in the Simple Present and Did for the Simple Past.



A sentences that can give an order ,make a request,express a command,advice or prohibition  is called an imperative sentences.

  • Bali,shut the door.
  • Please do this just now.
  • Please let me work.
  • Open the door.
  • Be quiet.
  • Never tell a lie.
  • Don't eat too much.
  • Obey your elders.
Example of Orders

  1. Stand up.
  2. Get ready quickly.
  3. Mind your own business.
  4. Do this work just now.
  5. Don't make a noise.
  6. Don't be a fool.
  7. Let him come in.
  8. Let me never catch you smoking cigarettes.
Example of Requests

  1. Please allow me to pass.
  2. Please let me go.
  3. Lend me your pen,Please.
  4. Allow me to sit down.
Examples of Polite Questions

  1. May I come in ,Please?
  2. Will you please let me use your book?
  3. Will you have a little more tea?
  4. Could you tell me Where Ashok lives?


A sentence that can express some strong or sudden feeling is called as an Exclamatory sentences.

  • Brave! You have played very well.
  • How beautiful the toy is!
  • How cold the day is !
  • What a shame!
  • What a pleasant weather!
  • What a clever girl you are!
  • What a sweet voice you have!
  • How hot it is!
Note- An Exclamation Mark (!) is placed at the end of very exclamatory sentence.
Sometimes verb is not used in these types of sentences.


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