MODALS Will,would,shall,should,may,might,can,could,must,ought,need ,dare and used to are called Modal Auxiliaries or Modals. They express the mode or manner of the action denoted by the verb.They express such ideas as ability or capability,probability or possibility,permission,command,duty,obligation,propriety etc.To USES OF MODALS: Will is used: 1.. To express pure future with second and third person(you,he,she,it,they): You will die of hunger The chief Minster will lay the foundation stone. 2. To express willingness,intention,promise,determination with first person (I,we). I will write to you again. (promise) I will help you. (willingness/intention) I will fight to the finish. (determination) 3. To express a characteristic habit,assumption,invitation or request and insistence. A dog will usually obey his master.(characteristic habit) He will be there by now.(assumption) Will you come with me?(request) She will not listen to the doc...
PREPOSITION A preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show its relation with something else in the sentence. Examples: a) I placed a book on the table. b) I am fond of milk. In the first sentences on shows the relationship between table and book. In the second sentence the word of shows the relation between the adjective fond and milk. These word are prepositions. The Noun or Pronoun used after a Preposition is called its object. It is always in the Accusative (objective).It is said to be governed by the preposition. A preposition has no fixed meaning of its own.It derives its meaning from the context it is used in. Kinds of Prepositions. (i) SIMPLE PREPOSITIONS : at,by,for,in,of,off,on,out,through,till,to,up,with. (ii) COMPOUND PREPOSITIONS : about,above,across,along,amidst,among,around,around,before,behind,below,beneath,beside,between,beyond,inside,outside,underneath,...